30 de enero de 2011

Fashion & Stuffs

The past days i was pretty bussy with my english classes. And in the way to the institute i could aprecciate the outfits of the girls over there. I learned a lot. From shoes to shirts. So, when i got home i was looking for some clothes that could go together. The results were pretty lame because i could only found a couple of outfits. And those still needs some shoes, purses and accessories.

All this remind me that you need money in order to have a good outfit. Or at least a varied wardrobe. I little bit upset with this i decided to research a little bit on flickr. I used to use iheart, but flickr its a good resource as well. All of this made me want to have a pro camera again. So it all came down to the fact that i need money. Really disappointing i must say. But who cares, i will still trying.

Oh another thing, i want long hair. And i want to dye it as well LOL

29 de enero de 2011

Entry of the week, this means more Randomness

Yeah, i couldn't post anything because my loyal laptop died .__. And i still need to take it to fix. So until then, i'll be inactive because i have to share my father's laptop with my two siblings. Its a pain in the ass ,indeed. Well, the goal i approach this week was that i succesfully ended my english courses at ICPNA. I got 100 LOL. I won't say it was an easy thing cause it wasn't. But i think it's nothing out of this world.

Another thing i want to say it's the fact that i got my new glasses. With those i complete my new look, but i'm still waiting till my hair got a redish color so... I'll update a photo of myself with glasses when i'm done with all the hato projects that i have this month. I have the hyuk letter project, the kyu brithday project, the donghae valentine project and lot more things. Im gonna die these days. And i just have 5 days of break, my classes begin on feb 3 D:

Oh, just today Lady Hee Hee (Heechul as Gaga, yeah, pure win) was tendring topic LOL and i bet that he knew about this! He even updated a photo of himself as lady hee hee! Oh and Ryewook likes him as well.

I say Hee! You say Ssica!

Lady Hee Hee and Hangeng is SS3

24 de enero de 2011


Yeah, i gotta admit it rn. I'm starting to like SHINee. Ugh, i never imagined this could ever happen, but you see D: At least i like three of their songs. I thinks it's because i've heard it a lot of times. While i'm not joining the fc or something, i'm OK. It's enough with Super Junior like to start a new addiction D: Even though, i don't like the whole group, i like when i see SuJu singing with them LOL Pretty akward, right?

Anyway, this is my random entry of the week. I'm also saying that i bought my new glasses, so you'll see me more nerdy LOL Whatever, i need them so. I hope it would not make me feel dizzy orz

Loveholic, robotronic, loveholic, robotronic (8)

Eve, this is for you. If you can recognize them LOL

18 de enero de 2011

Random Entry

Yesterday was Kim Young Woon's birthday, mostly known as the Super Junior Kangin Toromacho. Even if he's not with his brothers of the boy-band right now, he's fighting for Korea in the army. So the best of the luck for him. Kangino Hwaiting :D

Okay, so today i was trying, almost failing, to learn the No Other dance. I really respect the suju members more right now. I mean, it's really complicated to learn this fucking dance. I took me about 2 hours to learn just lest than the half of the choreography D: Well, i think i can finish it by the end of the week. But i think i'll have to drop the Bonamana dance, i mean, if i almost can't learn this dance, then how i'm supposed to learn the minnah one?. Oh well at least i'm losing weight LOL

Another thing i wanna talk in this entry, it's the fact that i've being daydreaming pretty much this week. I dunno if this is because i have a lot of things to think during the way home or maybe i'm really wanting some kind of relationship with somebody ._. I hope it's the first one LOL I can't really imagine myself with someone else in this kind of relation. I mean, i won't be single forever, maybe, but i don't want any kind of commitment right now. When i'd want to have a boyfriend I will let you know LOL

I've always thought that you two have very similar features, maybe that's why i started liking Kangin LOL

16 de enero de 2011

After a long week... a great night!

So yesterday was the ichiban party. And like i was telling ya, i won the ticket for that party. I picked it up at 5 pm and i just fooled around til 7:30 LOL It's was pretty entertaining cause i start to talk to the other girls who also like SuJu, so i lost track of the time til my mom called to tell me to hurry up and get to the place. And since i'm a good kid. I obey. So i took a bus, and got to the place.

I got lost a little bit. I had to walk 7 blocks haha. So, when i finally got to the club, i had to wait 1 hour on the queue D: But i meet Nahomy, a girl who like SuJu as well. Even when we don't like the same guy or anime couple (she likes Ichihime D:), i'm a tolerant person. That's what life taught me.

When we finally got inside, it was pretty boring til they played some pogo music. It was so much fun then. Even if i got all sweedy after 1 hour of full jumping LOL Then the activities started, first karaoke, later individual cosplay, more pogoer and the band finally came up. I've been already in othe peruvian band's concert, but let me tell ya, they got a plus: they are good looking LOL At least Yukhi, Jun and Hiro.

After they played their music, a group of friends conviced me to stalk them. It was really awesome cause it had been such a long time since i did that kind of things. We could take some photos with Yukhi and Hiro. However, we couldn't get photo with the bassist. After all that nonsense, it came the game time. Pretty random i must say. But it was 3 am already so i got to say goodbye to the girls i met in that party. At least, i got their emails, so we can be in contact :D

Again, i got no pictures cause i didn't bring my camera, but Sidny took some photos with hers, so i'm waiting that she can give them to me. Bye guys, and sorry for the english entry. I'm not in the good mood to write in spanish right now. I think it's harder to write in spanish cause i have to explain everything LOL At least i have to haha.

That's Mu-gen 8D

14 de enero de 2011

Tiring life

I just felt like writting about my random week. First of all, now i'm used to wake up just to lunch and go to my english classes. But the wednesday was the exception. Evelyn came to wake me up at 10 a.m. So, i have a really long day. I'm mean it wasn't harsh, it was actually funny sujunizing her. She got potential, like i said LOL I think she fell for Heechul, so that's how the whole thing start. You know?. I was really thinking that she'd like either Heenim or Yesung because both of them are her type~

Also, i'm pretty happy today, cause my luck have been reaffirmed. I just won an Ichiban ticket, so i'm saving 15 soles LOL i know it's not that much, but it means a lot for me, kay? And it was just pretty much that. I'm writting in english, cause i don't care/wanna anyone understand this nonsense so... See ya :)

Enjoy the Hee-chilly

9 de enero de 2011

Primera salida del 2O11

La primera parada fue en el Olivar, cerca a la pileta, en la reunión de las Lolimafiosas. Llegué ahí antes que a la de Latinglamberts, porque las chicas resaltan más con sus vestidos todos pomposos LOL y eso que ese día había gran cantidad de fanclubs reunidos. Pude distinguir a los de Gazzette, Paramore, LegadoPotter y mucho más. Robé algo del chocolate del picnic que estaba armado ahí. Y estuve un rato con las chicas, incluso participé en el sorteo en el que terminé ganando un neko de peluche junto con Evelyn. Bastante sorprendidas, pues no solemos ganar en ese tipo de juegos, nos despedimos de las lolitas y partimos en busca de las Glams.

Con la aguda vista de Evelyn, pudimos encontrarlas fácilmente. Se habían juntado las de latinglamberts junto con el FC de Pink. Intercambiamos opiniones, gustos, y finalmente compartimos otros sorteos. Un cd de Adam, que terminó en manos de mi gemela, fue su día de suerte en verdad, y el de Pink, que se lo terminó quedando otra amiga. Fue curioso, porque ese día ganaron las que nunca antes habían asistido a las reunas LOL

Bastante interesante el día, anecdótico debería decir. Lastimosamente no cuento con las fotos debidas, pues me daba miedo sacar mi cámara, estos días ando muy paranóica. Pero bueno, ya subiran las demás chicas :)

Wuju ya hay foto, algo oscura, pero hay :3

4 de enero de 2011

Earning money

Since i'm needing money for all the things i'm gonna need this year, i'm working with my mom, helping her with the accounts.

It used to be pretty easy. Ya que lo único que hacía era organizar las facturas y reemplazar ciertos datos. Pero como ahora ya me agarró confianza me trae fólderes más gordos que yo, los cuales debo pasar a libro. Fuck, it can take me about 2 hours just for a month. At least, she's paying me, right? Im not gonna say how much i'm earning, cause it can be dangerous lol But my brother says she is exploting me, dunno.

Pero conforme pasan los días, aprendo bastante de las vivezas de ciertas empresas, con tal de evitar impuestos o al menos reducirlos tan siquiera un poco. Aunque creo que deberían fijarse bien cómo lo hacen, pues si hasta yo me doy cuenta, la sunat algún día les caerá lol

Just felt like writing about my new temporal job, i work at morning til lunch, someday til night, cause its a lot of work to do and just one person. Should i ask for a rise?

//While writing this i was listening to Miracle of Super Junior. Life couldn't get better they say, será pa' ti :/ lol

Kyu being a whore. No podía evitar colgarla LOL

3 de enero de 2011

Old entries - 2O.12.1O

» Graduation and Prom

Never really cared about this kind of things, but... oh well, at least, i had to look decent, right? Okay, it all started a Monday's morning. It was 7 a.m, i guess, and i was straightening my hear -it's the only way it can look normal- still needing some formal clothes -i had to improvise it the same day lol-... So it was a quite difficult day. I wore a white blouse and black formal pants. I arrived at hotel pretty early, so i had to wait until the first group went out. I took some photos with my friends meanwhile.

Then, when the time arrived, i enter to the hotel, put my toga on and got ready for the ceremony, wich also started late lol. The rest is so painful to describe that i'll skip it :D In the end, everything worked out pretty well, except for my foot lol The teachers and principal gave their respective speech, didn't hear what they said so don't ask, they also played some videos, don't remember anything either, and the famous mortarboard throwing, pretty awesome i must say.

So when everything finished, i literally rushed off to my house to lunch, take a quick shower, put my prom dress on, got my make up done and return again to the hotel. I got there just in time to dine, but the food... ugh, the worst thing i ever ate. Later, the party got started, pretty bored til 3:30 a.m when everyone there started to dance like freaks lol

That was basically the graduation and prom day, a little bit tired but heartwearming, cause it meant the day when everything actually finished... til the university classes arrive lol

With my lovely tutor, never forget her :)

2 de enero de 2011

New addiction

I never thought this would actually happen, but... oh, well, i give it a damn.

I dunno, but i feel like writing in english. It's maybe 'cause i'm starting the english lessons next week or maybe 'cause i don't want nobody to understand this. Like they wouldn't. Okay, here's the deal. Don't think that i'm pregnant, or maybe that i'm a new cocaine addict. Hell no. Somehow is safer than that, but not quite safe. At least no for my otaku side. I'm mean, i'm leaving behind the freaky part of me and replacing it with my new love for korean idols. More specifically... Super Junior. Yep, during the past 2 weeks i did nothing but SuJunizing me.

All started when some person, whom i'm not mention, tell me the name of the only one guy i considered attractive in the 13 member boy band: DongHae. Yes, he's the reason i like the whole group right now lol. In the very first beginning i just liked the subgroup SJ-M, but then i started liking other songs of the group in general. Even when i know that they're not the best singers ever, i appreciate them, the 13+2 :) And i don't think it would change in a lot of time.

Thanks for losing your time reading this nonsense lol. But it was a quite time since i wanted to write this, so here it is.

Hae & Kyu acting gay for Happy Bubble's comercial LOL


Ok everyone, Happy New Year to all of you!!

Esperemos que este año sea mejor que el anterior, y que traiga muchos éxitos para todos. La verdad, no espero mucho, pero daré lo mejor de mí ♥

Also, happy b-day to Sungmin :)

Siempre me da risa el hecho de que en los noticieros muestren al primer niño que nació el 1 de enero o el 25 de diciembre a las 00 horas. Well, Sungmin succeed 25 years ago, so suck it 8D Aun cuando me daba risa su ukeosidad al inicio, le agarré un gran cariño a Minnie. She still believes he is the uke one lol. So, lets spread the love~

//Cómo se nota el poco entusiasmo con respecto al nuevo año.